Aerovehicles Paraguay unveils Berkut UAV – MBOPY

Aerovehicles Paraguay unveils Berkut UAV – MBOPY

Aerovehicles Paraguay S.A made the presentation of the Berkut MBOPY – Unmanned Aircraft (UAV Class III), at the Silvio Pettirossi Air Base of the Paraguayan Air Force.

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The event was attended by the President of DINAC, Ing. Félix Kanazawa; Minister of National Defense, GRAL EJ (R) Bernardino Soto Estigarribia; Secretary General DINAC, Dr. Daniel Báez; Director of the Itaipu Technological Park, Mr. José Bogarín; Air Ing. Rodolfo Vázquez Roa Director of Aeronautical Engineering UNA; President of Aerovehicles Paraguay S.A. Mr. Gerardo Monzón; CEO of Aerovehicles Inc. Bob Ray Fowler; COO José María Vaca, CIO Franco A. Scillia Thost; Secretary Belén Gunrruchaga; Designer Dave Ronneberg and other authorities.

The Berkut UAV aircraft is the unmanned version (UAV) of the Berkut platform. The UAV version has been designed to fly ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) operations of low-medium altitude and long-endurance (MALE).

The aircraft can host a wide variety of remote-sensing equipment in its central cargo bay and side pylons. Built using the same frame or main structure, with an open architecture flight management system (FMS), the solution minimizes construction costs maximizing operational flexibility.
